The following events occurred in the Exodus galaxy during 17 ABY.
- The Cult of Shadow secures the servitude of the Charon Death Cult through the Charon Campaign.
- Vok Ruvege triggers the Massacre on Vorzyd V in an attempt to force Kalja Sairu Leidias to fall to the Dark Side.
- Darth Trayus declares war on the Jedi Order.
- The Cylon Imperium is defeated by the Crimson Empire, ending the Sith-Cylon War.
- Akain Karna duels Lyli Var'nio on Deresnova, starting the Sikrita War.
- The Eldari Remnant attacks Arvis Prime, starting the Eldari-Muir War.
- The Sith Empire ends the Sith Civil War by defeating the rebellious forces during the Battle of Nassus.
- The Hapan Civil War comes to an end with the Battle of Hapes.
- Joran Thorn is assassinated by the Kortian Alliance, starting the Confederate Civil War.
- The fighting only lasts a few months before the Kartanin Dominion joins the Confederate Loyalists and wipes out all enemy opposition in a matter of days.
- The Scautus Order rescues the Kuras Tetrarchy from the forces of Mashaka Vargo, ending the Vargo Liberators War.
- The Scautus Order establishes a military dictatorship over Kuras IV, sparking the Second Kurasian Rebellion.
Other Events
- Daric Rydell leads a project to visit and learn from different Force-using groups across the galaxy, culminating in the Convocation on Dieron.
- Velok and Ald Sorosel initiate the Winnowing in an attempt to lure and kill Darksiders.
- Sivter steals the Byyor Command and renames it the Edict of Darkness.
- Sivter creates the Arcanix Holocron.
- Darth Sirena revives Vidar Kressh.
- Darth Trayus and Alexis Kiara take possession of the Scimitar.
- Alvis Cato marries Nova Suen on Kuras IV.
- Aaralyn Blackthorne is granted the title of Jedi Knight.
Other Battles
- Battle of Arvis Prime (Eldari-Muir War)
- Battle of Gethsemane (Confederate Civil War)
- Battle of Nassus (Sith Civil War)
- Second Battle of Kuras IV (Vargo Liberators War)
- Arilyn on Sylaria.
- Jaidev Muir and Sahaja Muir at an unknown location.
- Katerina Morra on Naboo.
- Mal'ik Sha'rn-Muir on Ogriand.
- Salvatore E. Salmurian on Vorzyd V.
Other Locations
- Erik Muir on Theracraya.
- Eve on the Severus.
- Geshk on Vorzyd V.
- The Illuminated One on New Holstice.
- Joran Thorn on Killian.
- Mashaka Vargo on Kuras IV.
- Norun Tarkash on Nar Shaddaa.
- Sariv-Cren on Arcanix.
- Temap on Ossus.
- The Dark Council forms the Sith'ari Centrality.
- The Kortian Alliance is formed by Jiran Kort.
- The Confederate Loyalists are formed by Da'el Kar and Simcer Tardir to oppose the Kortian Alliance.
- Eshtemoh Cosimo creates the Confederate Defence Force on Killian.
- Derek Muir creates the Ok'rimos Armed Forces.
- Cylon Cybernetics is created out of the remnants of the Cylon Imperium.
- The Cult of Palpatine is formed on Naboo.
- Maxus Jul Gerhard establishes the Knights of the Empire on Coruscant.
- Thrawn creates the Imperial Mission under the leadership of Dalen Meek.
- Devon Vos establishes the Defenders and Knight Defenders on the Praxeum Moon.
- Freedom Nadd establishes the Watchmen of the Order.
- Garen Starfall creates the Spectres on Mandalore.
- Kishkumen creates the Lost Twenty after returning from the Extragalactic Star Cluster.
- Cala Bendal forms Dagger Squadron.
- Tana Slithen forms Night Squadron.
- Bulsar Sarn forms Blood Squadron.
- Ravager Squadron is formed from the remnants of the Blood Souls.
- Team BLACKFRIAR is formed by Thormatar.
- The Cylon Imperium is dissolved by the Crimson Empire.
- The Kortian Alliance is disbanded at the end of the Confederate Civil War.
- The Confederate Loyalists are absorbed back into a reformed Black Star Confederacy at the end of the Confederate Civil War.
- The Vargo Liberators are disbanded after the Second Battle of Kuras IV.
- Team Shadow Saber are disbanded after most of its members are killed on a mission.
- The Black Death pirate group are eliminated by the New Republic.
- The Cult of Light are eliminated by the Cult of Shadow.
- The Prudii be Tor is commissioned by the Shadow Warriors for Freedom Nadd.
- The Rhyarek is commissioned by Jaidev Muir.
- The Skywalker is commissioned by Sigarr Halomek as a gift for the Jedi Order.
- Archangel-class Assault Ship
- Thorn-class Landing Barge
- Alpha Scout Bike
- Beta Scout Trike
- Mark 7 Light Tank
- Raider APC
- Draagoth Mobile Artillery
- Aquila Stealth Generator
Republic Engineering Corporation
- Chu’unthor-class Praxeum Ship
- Aurek Tactical Strikefighter (modern)
- Star Saber XC-01 Starfighter (modern)
- Locust-class Heavy Carrier
- Standard Attack Fighter
- Advanced Tri-Fighter
- Crab-class Demolitions Droid
- Firelancer-class Combat Droid
- The planet Kelsal is destroyed after the system's sun goes supernova.
- The City of the Jedi is destroyed during the Second Battle of Taylon.
- The Starlight Sled is destroyed by a bomb planted by the Acta Sanctorum.