The following events occurred in the Exodus galaxy during 6 ABY.
- Civil War breaks out between three factions within the remaining Imperial forces. The war is mainly fought between the forces of Intelligence Director Esran Croft and Admiral turned Warlord Anasara Bansari. Admiral James Ardin leads a third faction of old guard Imperials that don't wish to side with Croft or Bansari.
- The New Republic takes advantage of the Imperial infighting to claim several worlds from the Empire.
- Maxwell Gandel commissions the construction of Pandora Station.
- The Imperial Civil War ends when the forces of Croft and Bansari are nearly all wiped out while fighting each other at Fondor. An experimental hyperdrive malfunctions and opens up a black hole during the battle. Croft appears to die from the explosion and Bansari disappears in the commotion. Ardin takes control of the Empire and declares himself Regent.
- Devon Vos, Jonji Fawkes, Tulsar Leidias, and Kalja Sairu Leidias stop Sivter and the Cult of Dragon Masque from activating droids that can use the Force on Chisas.
- The Surax deposes the D'rek as the head clan on Barab I and takes over all leadership duties. Many Barabels belonging to the D'rek end up leaving the planet.
- Battle of Fondor
- Battle of Chisas
- Battle of Drillaria
- The Organization is formed by Vladimir von Brehk.
- The Jedi Order is reformed on Yavin IV.
- The Crimson Guard is reformed by Vex Salder.
- Antar Valen joins the Crimson Guard.
- The Republic Engineering Corporation is formed under the leadership of Anne Lamont.
- The New Class Modernization Program is spearheaded by Sigarr Halomek.
- The Cult of Dragon Masque.
- Pandora Station is constructed.
- Dragon Masque dies of natural causes. The remnants of his spirit are later exorcised from Sivter by Kalja Sairu Leidias.