Adaran Forth is an insane Dark Jedi, the obsessive caretaker and defender of the Marrovia Sith Temple. Trained by the equally insane Carthoum Varu and trapped by Iara Clane and Rolf Valkner under the auspices of the Sith Empire, he became obsessed with the cleanliness and well-being of the Temple on Marrovia. After the death of Norik Kun and the fragmentation of the Sith Empire, Adaran defended the obscure Temple against all comers, including Velok in his guise as Torkan of the Dark Council. The Whiphid Sith Lord defeated him, then helped him clean up the resulting mess. The act endeared him to Adaran, and by the time the Council invaded and established the Sith'ari Centrality, Velok had acclimated Adaran to the presence of others.
Adaran's specific malady is obsessive-compulsive disorder. His compulsions generally involve the cleanliness and order of his surroundings. His Dark Side training has, if anything, made his illness worse, and he has only a tenuous grasp on reality.
Skills and Talents[]
The Force[]
As a student of Carthoum Varu, Adaran favours the use of acrobatics and vicious, nonsensical telekinesis.