Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia
Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia

"The one true Prophet of the Void has arrived to lead the Charon to their destiny."
— Sivter

The Battle of Stronghold was a small, but necessary battle for Sivter to proceed with his War of Darkness. In order to test out the cult's newly developed otherdrive, the Dark Lord Nelar Rel’ot determined that the ideal location would be at Stronghold, which had been the location of a prior incursion by the Charon Death Cult. The issue was that the New Republic had set up a listening post on the planet to watch for another Charon incursion and would no doubt alert other Republic forces if the Edict of Darkness arrived in orbit.

A cult infiltration team consisting of Raii Meriaz, Asemir Lor’kora, and Fiona were sent ahead of the Edict to secure the New Republic base and capture the base commander, Akla. The team was successful and Sivter used his powers to steal the information about the base's operational procedures from Akla's mind. With that information acquired, cult members took control of the base and impersonated the New Republic personnel to avoid any gaps in communication with the government.

With the base secured, the Edict successfully entered Otherspace and confronted the Charon forces, strategically eliminating and interrogating the Charon until Sivter was led to their leader, Musa’krish. Despite the Charon outnumbering the cult forces by the time they arrived at Musa'Krish's location, Sivter was able to confront the other leader and present the head of the Illuminated One to him.

Doing so fulfilled a prophecy that allowed Sivter to claim the Charon title of the Final Prophet of the Void and take command of all the Charon in Otherspace.

