Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia

The Defense Council was a council of the New Republic Senate. The Defense Council was charged with the oversight of the New Republic's military forces. The Council approved funding for the Defense Force, approving the Supreme Commander and NR military activities. Each councilmember had one vote, while the Head of the Council had two votes. In order to make sure that there was proper representation of the military's needs and opinions, the Supreme Commander was tasked with appointing members of the military to positions on the council, one for the Navy and one for the Army.


Nuro Pakrie, Head of the Council, Senator of Bespin
Bors Gridier,Senator of Nkllon
Senator of Duro
Xavi, Senator of Sluis Van
Senator of Druckenwell
Senator of Malastare
Rear Admiral Penelope Haredez (Navy)
Brigadier General Aes Loromin (Army)
