Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia
Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia

Exodus Timeline Map[]

EG Current Map

Map of the Exodus galaxy as of 18 ABY.

Exodus Timeline[]

The Exodus Timeline is the core of our roleplaying. Taken directly from the continuity established by us on the pre-game Star Wars Galaxies roleplaying boards, the Exodus Timeline is where a majority of the action lies. While the Exodus Timeline is not the only timeline in our community one can partake in, it is the most prominent.

The Exodus Timeline is an alternate universe of Star Wars, with most differences occurring after the Battle of Endor.

NOTE: When calculating your character's age, don't forget that 0 BBY/ABY counts as a year. For example: a character born in 0 BBY/ABY would be 15 by 14 ABY.

Pre-Republic Era[]

001 PreIcon

Dawn of Time-25,054 BBY[]

  • Dawn of Time
    • The Big Bang occurs, creating the universe.
  • c. 13,000,000,000 BBY
    • The galaxy begins to take shape.
  • c. 2,000,000 BBY
    • The first sentient species in the galaxy begin to evolve.
  • c. 1,000,000 BBY
    • An ancient aquatic civilization thrives on the planet Jerrilek, but eventually goes extinct in the following millennia.
  • c. 100,000 BBY
    • The Celestials construct Centerpoint Station. Using the station, they then build the Corellian System and the Hapes Cluster.
      • The Makers add a lesser AI, based on GAIT, to the station to help manage the complex systems of the construct.
    • The Columi species achieves interstellar spaceflight. They investigate the people of Duro and Notron (now known as Coruscant).
  • 36,453 BBY
    • A group of Force-users establish the Je'daii Order on Tython. They strive for balance between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force which they know as Ashla and Bogan.
  • c. 35,000 BBY
    • GAIT and her fellow AI wipe out the Makers that created them and launch their programs into deep space with the intent of returning to known space when conditions are right.
    • The Infinite Empire of the Rakata is established using a special form of hyperdrive.
  • c. 27,700 BBY
    • The Sith species on Korriban are visited by the Infinite Empire, but King Adas leads his people to repel the Rakatans.
  • c. 27,500 BBY
    • The Human natives of Coruscant begin to launch sublight sleeper ships over the next fifteen hundred years, seeding a number of worlds with Humans.
  • 25,805 BBY
    • The Despot War begins and ends in the Tython System. The Je'daii Order achieves victory after Queen Hadiya of the Despot Army is killed.
  • 25,793 BBY
    • The Force Wars start after the Infinite Empire attempts to invade the Tython System. The invaders are repelled, but it creates a schism within the Je'daii Order.
  • 25,783 BBY
    • The Force Wars end as the followers of Ashla defeat the followers of Bogan. The remnants of the Je'daii Order are reorganized into the Jedi Order and abandon Tython to hunt the Bogan survivors, which flee towards the Rim.
  • c. 25,200 BBY
    • The Infinite Empire collapses due to a major plague that sweeps through the galaxy, affecting only Rakata. Several rebellions afterward topples what remains.
  • 25,100 BBY
    • Xim is captured during the Third Battle of Vontor, resulting in a Hutt victory. Although the war would continue for a few years after the battle, it marked the beginning of the end for Xim's empire.

Expansionist Era[]

002 ExpansionIcon

25,053 BBY-20,001 BBY[]

  • 25,053 BBY
    • The Galactic Republic is founded on Coruscant.
    • The Rakatan hyperdrive is reverse-engineered by Corellian scientists, allowing the inhabitants of the Core Worlds to expand outward and settle the known galaxy.
  • 23,900 BBY
    • The Galactic Republic ends the Tionese War by devastating several worlds within the Tion Cluster, prompting the Jedi Order to break with the Republic in protest. Negotiations with the Jedi eventually sees their return as watchmen for the Republic.
  • 20,100 BBY
    • Most of the Colonies and the Inner Rim areas of space are considered settled.

Great Manifest Period[]

003 ManifestIcon

20,000 BBY-17,018 BBY[]

  • 18,780 BBY

Indecta Era[]

004 IndectaIcon

17,017 BBY-15,000 BBY[]

  • 15,500 BBY
    • Supreme Chancellor Fillorean peacefully resolves the Duinuogwuin Contention.
    • The University of Coruscant is founded.
    • Jedi research with "frozen blaster" technology leads to the first primitive lightsabers. They are mostly ceremonial weapons due to their inefficient power consumption and brief operational period before overheating.

Kymoodon Era[]

005 KymoodonIcon

14,999 BBY-11,987 BBY[]

Pius Dea Era[]

006 PiusIcon

11,986 BBY-10,966 BBY[]

  • 11,933 BBY
  • c. 11,820 BBY
    • The Sixth Alsakan Conflict begins as they ally with the Duros, Herglics, and the Hutts against the Pius Dea-controlled Republic.
  • c. 11,100 BBY
    • The Pius Dea Inquisitions begin in the Core Worlds and the Colonies, eventually prompting the Jedi to create a splinter group within the Pius Dea known as the Renunciates.
  • 10,967 BBY
    • The Seventh Alsakan Conflict—also called the Renunciation—occurs.
    • The Renunciates reveal themselves and split the Pius Dea faith from within.
  • 10,966 BBY
    • The Bureau of Ships and Services seed Pius Dea's ships with rogue navicomputer codes, forcing them to jump randomly into hyperspace and become lost forever.
    • The Battle of Uquine occurs, ending the reign of the Contispex Dynasty, the Pius Dea faith, and the Pius Dea Era.

Ductavis Era[]

007 DuctIcon

10,965 BBY-9,001 BBY[]

  • c. 9,890 BBY
  • c. 9,400 BBY
    • Planetary shielding begins to see widespread use across the galaxy.
  • c. 9,200 BBY
    • Planetary turbolasers see widespread deployment.

Rianitus Period[]

008 RianitusIcon

9,000 BBY-8,000 BBY[]

  • c. 9,000 BBY - 8,000 BBY
    • Within the timeframe of the Rianitus Period, Blotus the Hutt serves as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic for 275 years.

Subterra Period[]

009 SubterraIcon

7,999 BBY-7,001 BBY[]

  • c. 7,800 BBY
  • 7,700 BBY
    • The Verpine pioneer the squintpipe process for power generators by researching the reverse-engineered Waymancy Storm technology. As a result, shielding technology becomes important in combat, evolving from simple protection against environmental phenomena.

Manderon Period[]

010 ManderonIcon

7,000 BBY-5,001 BBY[]

  • c. 7,000 BBY
    • The Hundred-Year Darkness begins in the aftermath of the Second Great Schism.
    • A Jedi prophecy tells of a Chosen One who will bring "balance to the Force".
    • Mandalore the First leads his followers from the planet Roon to a new world, which his followers rename Mandalore in his honor.
  • c. 5,500 BBY
    • The Rimma Trade Route is established by Sullustan pilots and Givin theorists, ushering in widespread colonization of the southern galaxy.
    • The Corellian Trade Spine is fully established, extending the ancient hyperroute that links Corellia and Duro all the way out to the edge of the galaxy.

Post-Manderon Period[]

011 PManderonIcon

5,000 BBY-4,001 BBY[]

  • 4,030 BBY
    • The Lorell Raiders are defeated by Arca Jeth and a team of Jedi, resulting in the hatred of the Jedi within the later-formed Hapes Consortium.
  • 4,015 BBY
    • The Great Droid Revolution occurs after HK-01 seizes power by subverting the programming of thousands of droids and turning them against their masters. Jedi intervention finally brings the conflict to an end after three months.
  • 4,002 BBY
    • The Mandalorians attack the Deep Core planet Kuar and conquer the world.

Sith Wars[]

012 SithWarsIcon

4,000 BBY-3,682 BBY[]

  • 3,954 BBY
    • The First Jedi Purge is initiated.
      • Darth Nihilus attacks Fresia to kill Lanlia Leidias and her family.
      • Lanlia is able to distract Nihilus long enough for her family to escape, but she is killed by the Sith Lord.
      • Fresia is abandoned after Nihilus's attack by the few surviving colonists.
  • c. 3,900 BBY
    • The planet Naboo is colonized.

Galactic Wars[]

013 GWarsIcon

3,681 BBY-2,001 BBY[]

  • 3,636 BBY
    • The Galactic War ends when the Eternal Empire defeats the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.
  • 3,017 BBY
    • The 17th, and last, Alsakan Conflict takes place.
  • 2,320 BBY
    • Taanab is colonized by several major conglomerates after it is discovered the planet is ideal for farming.

Draggulch Period[]

014 DraggulchIcon

2,000 BBY-1,000 BBY[]

Great Peace of the Republic[]

015 RepPeaceIcon

999 BBY-51 BBY[]

  • 902 BBY
  • 133 BBY
    • Garrett G. Granth IV, using an experimental hyperdrive, attempts a jump. His relativistic shielding malfunctions. As a result, a mere eight hour jump takes 69 years.

Decline of the Republic[]

016 DownfallIcon

50 BBY-23 BBY[]

  • 37 BBY
    • The Citadel is discovered by a team of Jedi explorers. The location is kept secret because of the special nebula that surrounds the planet that blocks detection through the Force.

Clone Wars[]

017 CloneIcon

22 BBY-19 BBY[]

Imperial Period[]

018 ImpIcon

19 BBY-4 ABY[]

  • 19 BBY (Imperial Period)
    • Birth of the Galactic Empire.
    • Reng Kasr drafts up a proposal that will later be twisted into the Omega Project by a group of particularly genocidal Imperials. Upon learning of this, Kasr works to bury any association his name has with the project.
  • 14 BBY
    • Palpatine creates the provisional title of "Grand Admiral" and grants it to Reng Kasr after he successfully eliminates a Jedi fugitive that had eluded the Inquisitorius for years.
    • Kasr perfects Rask, a martial art designed to fight Force-users.
    • Garrett G. Granth IV ends his first marriage and flees from Coruscant after being labeled a subversive citizen by the Empire.
  • 4 ABY
    • The Battle of Endor occurs.
      • Participants include: Rowen Halomek.
      • With the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, the Empire is left without a clear successor to fill the power vacuum.
      • Knowledge of Keldon Tyfus' secret mission is lost with the deaths of those involved in the battle.
    • Malasik leaves the Empire after engineering the Stenax Massacres.
    • La-Reia Beorht runs away from home to pursue the Dark Side. Her brother follows her and begins to watch and protect her from a distance.

New Galactic Wars (Legends)[]

019 NGWarsIcon

5 ABY-20 ABY[]

  • 7 ABY
    • Galactic Civil War: With the Imperial forces united under James Ardin's leadership, the fighting between the Empire and the New Republic intensifies. Both sides constantly trade systems.
      • The leader of the New Republic, Nichalus Dreadstar, declares martial law to compete with Ardin's forces. It is joked on the Holonet that Ardin's Empire is actually more democratic than Dreadstar's New Republic.
      • The Corellian Commonwealth actively joins the fighting on the Republic's side.
      • The New Republic eventually manages to seize Coruscant from Ysanne Isard.
    • A terrorist known as Black Plague begins striking targets throughout the galaxy, both Imperial and Republic, usually by leaving hints on the Holonet in the form of poems. It brings transit and trade to a virtual standstill.
      • Both galactic powers reach a truce to deal with the menace and combine their resources to hunt him down.
      • Black Plague's attacks are eventually stopped by the Jedi Order although he is never caught.
    • Esran Croft remerges on the galactic scene in charge of a new government known as the Loris Empire.
      • The Daltera Force Academy is established within Loris territory on the forest moon of Daltera.
    • Devon Vos establishes a Jedi Praxeum on the Praxeum Moon.
      • Kalja Sairu Leidias becomes an instructor at the Praxeum and is eventually called upon to seal away the bio-menaces known as the Schrai.
  • 8 ABY
    • During the truce between the Empire and the New Republic, Nichalus Dreadstar steps down as leader of the Republic.
      • Mikhal Mansar takes over as Prime Minister of the New Republic and lifts the order of martial law from Republic worlds.
    • The Jedi Order holds a Jedi Convocation at Midpoint Station to discuss the future of the Jedi.
    • Kalja Sairu Leidias helps Reave Hevren to stop the Val Aru on Calernon from launching a genocidal assault on the rest of the galaxy.
    • The Cassaran Civil War ends.
    • The Ascension malfunctions and is sent into a huge radioactive gas cloud known as the Cloud of Darkness and ends up discovering the Oloth System.
    • Exar Sadow begins to train Darth Kren and solidify the power base of what would become the modern Sith Empire.
  • 9 ABY
    • The truce between the Empire and the New Republic lasts for about a year. A permanent treaty is proposed by Mikhal Mansar that would finally end the Galactic Civil War.
      • James Ardin is receptive to the treaty but suddenly backs out a few days before it is to be signed when he receives a message from an apparently revived Palpatine on Byss. He is told to take a fleet into the Unknown Regions to fortify the Empire's strength there.
      • Ardin takes the rank of Grand Admiral and then abdicates his role of Regent before leaving to fulfill his new orders.
      • Admirals Raken Ferval and Maxwell Gandel are given dual stewardship of the Empire by Ardin before he leaves.
      • The two aggressively restart the war with the Republic and use tactics such as biological and chemical warfare to try and gain an advantage against the Republic.
      • Ferval is thought to be killed in battle.
      • Gandel unleashes a biological agent on Bilbringi VII. He then vanishes after Pandora Station crashes into the planetoid.
      • Without clear leadership, the forces of the Empire are again thrown into chaos, allowing the Republic to claim more territory during the confusion.
    • Reng Kasr contacts Dolomar Daktren and uses his help to free himself from Jorzan Prison.
    • Connory publishes a series of his poems for the first time.
    • Gideon Corey discovers Solace Station.
    • Rhiannon DeVij becomes the leader of the Order of the Tak Lords.
  • 10 ABY
    • A notorious terrorist, known as Tainer, wreaks havoc with his Dragon Fleet.
      • He is eventually captured by Admiral Banner Ton and brought to trial.
      • James Ardin returns and presides over the trial of Tainer, inviting representatives from every galactic power in an attempt to make peace over the shared interest of sentencing Tainer.
      • Ardin is assassinated during the trial by agents of the Corellian Commonwealth and the secret machinations of Intelligence Director Damascus. The assassins and Tainer are also killed. The trial is a disaster.
      • The death of Ardin further throws the forces of the Empire into disarray.
    • James' brother, Delth Ardin, takes the Cleansing and its task force and begins a personal war of revenge on everyone including the New Republic, the Commonwealth, and even the Empire itself.
    • Joran Thorn becomes President of the Black Star Confederacy.
  • 11 ABY
    • Several independent governments grow in power thanks to the instability caused by the ongoing war between the Empire and the Republic. Notable examples include: the revived Sith Empire, the Loris Empire, and the Wild Star Confederacy.
    • The Laro Civil War is ended after Oremin secretly intervenes in the conflict. It is reformed into the Laro Order.
    • Delth Ardin brings his war to Mon Calamari, where he opens a black hole using Lorisian technology with the goal of destroying the entire system. He fails, but does succeed in wrecking many of the shipyards. He disappears shortly thereafter.
    • Kyle Marion takes control of the Empire as the new Regent but continues to lose more territory to the New Republic thanks to the chaos within the Empire from the wake of James Ardin's death.
  • 13 ABY
    • Damascus launches a war against the New Republic and its allies that lasts nearly a year, taking back the entire Core, including Coruscant, that ends with the Battle of Corellia.
    • Coruscant:
      • Several high-ranking New Republic officials are executed live over GNN, including Prime Minister Mikhal Mansar.
      • The Jedi Order retreats to Onderon.
      • The Empire unleashes a biological agent called the Registration Virus into the population that would kill anyone infected unless they registered with the Empire.
      • Kalja Sairu Leidias stays behind on Coruscant to aid the resistance. She uses her healing ability to help the resistance create a vaccine to the Registration Virus.
    • Corellia:
    • Aftermath:
      • The Republic's naval strength is severely impaired after Damascus's war.
      • The Empire is restored as the preeminent power in the galaxy. It’s naval strength is impaired, but not to the extent of the Republic’s.
      • Grand Admiral Thrawn is installed as leader of the Empire.
      • Emphrates Tilden is named as the new Prime Minister of the New Republic.
      • The Republic Engineering Corporation loses most of its resources with the Imperial takeover of the Core Worlds. Anne Lamont steps down as CEO. Sigarr Halomek is elected as the new CEO of the company.
    • The Uul'ba-Rai attack the Black Star Confederacy, the Jade Worlds, the Isen Star Empire and the United Systems Alliance.
      • The Jade Worlds and USA are decimated.
      • USA forces stage a desperate counterattack: Operation Firestorm deals a crushing blow to Uul'ba-Rai military forces and destroys the Uul'ba-Rai superweapon.
      • The Jade Worlds are amalgamated into the Isen Star Empire. A few months later, the Isen Star Empire collapses into civil war.
      • The Black Star Confederacy occupies the Jade Worlds and continues the rebuilding effort.
    • Dolomar Daktren is promoted to Vice Admiral and tasked with cleaning up the corruption in the Empire as the leader of the Imperial Security Bureau.
  • 14 ABY
    • The Xen'Chi War begins.
      • The invaders quickly swarm across the galaxy, taking advantage of the weakened forces of the Empire and the Republic.
      • Emphrates Tilden steps down as the Prime Minister of the New Republic. The senate elects Leia Organa Solo its new leader. She and Grand Admiral Thrawn manage to negotiate a truce in the face of the overwhelming might of the invaders.
      • Teron Helstone begins Operation Bad Neighbor as a means to fight the Xen'Chi threat without depleting Imperial resources.
    • Norik Kun, Dark Lord of the Sith, is killed. The Sith Empire fragments and comes together under new management.
    • Governor G'shan Dite of the Jade Worlds Sector is imprisoned for treason by the Black Star Confederacy. The sector is handed over to the Kartanin Dominion.
    • Barab I secedes from the New Republic and declares its independence.
    • Skarrek begins a private war against the Xen'Chi after the Battle of Thyferra. His ferocity in battle earns him the title of the "Black Beast" by the Xen'Chi.
  • 20 ABY
    • Zohmaj Hauc is defeated by forces led by Akain Karna, ending the Sikrita War.
    • Jedi operating within Imperial territory uncover a plot by some disloyal Moffs to collaborate with a secret New Republic faction to create a second Galactic Civil War. The prevention of another war by the Jedi helps to strengthen cooperation between the Empire and the Republic. The event would mark the end of the New Galactic Wars and the start of the Unification Period.

Unification Period (Legacy)[]

020 UniIcon

21 ABY-Current[]
