Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia

The Matukai are a group of Force users that have a much different philosophy than the Jedi or the Sith. They strictly use their own body as the focal point of the Force instead of an inanimate object. Through meditative martial arts and strenuous exercise, they seek to strengthen their bond with the Force. Many have found that, even with very weak force sensitivity, they can enhance that sensitivity and become masters though it takes many years of hard work.

Those that become masters are able to harden their bodies to the point where they take little or no damage and feel no pain. Matukai are so intuned with their bodies that they become very aware of every illness, wound, and even poisons that have afflicted them. Many have found that they can force the wounds closed or remove the toxic poisons from their body through the Force and their own will.

The Matukai construct a weapon called a wan-shen when they graduate from apprentice to adept. This weapon is a polearm with a short, single blade on one end and serves as their focal point for their abilities. The weapon, much like a lightsaber, tends to be decorated and crafted according to the adept's tastes and preferences. Many make collapsable or seperative shafts for ease of concealment and transportation as the wan-shen tends to be around 2 meters in length. Masters of this weapon are capable of swinging it around their bodies and attacking with incredible speed and ability.

Typical powers of the Matukai are typical of some of the powers that the Sith and Jedi use to enhance their own bodies. Matukai are capable of jumping higher and moving faster as well as improving their reflexes. They are also capable of reducing damage and even healing themselves to some extent.

(More to come as it is developed)
